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Here you can find the requirements, criteria and procedures for any potential candidate to enroll in any of the TPHS Charter Schools of choice.
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Release of Student Information
Each year we are required by law to give parents an opportunity to indicate if they want Student Directory information about their child released to the public. We may, from time to time, receive requests from the general public for information on your child.
The family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) defines student directory information as the student’s name, address, photograph, telephone number, date and place of birth, awards received in school, and participation in activities or sports (including the participant’s height and weight). This type of information may still appear internally in the school’s newsletter, yearbook and PTA directory. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires the express permission of a parent to place a student’s personal information on the internet.
Please be AWARE that to be in compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The School District will release to military recruiters and institutions of higher education upon requests the name, address and telephone listing of your child, unless you direct the District not to release this information without the prior written consent, as indicated below. This objection must be filed with the principal within ten school days of your child’s first day of instruction for this school year.
Every parent or guardian is expected to fill out a form giving or dening his/her permission to release his/her child information.
Students/Parents District Complaint Procedure
Pursuant to 20 USC 7844, Sec 9304 (a)(3)(C), of the ESEA, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) implements written procedures that offer parents, public agencies, other individuals or organizations a method for receipt and resolution of complaints alleging violations in the administration of educational programs and services. Pursuant to Section 9306 of the No Child Left Behind Act, a local education agency (such as a public charter or school district) accepting federal funds also agrees to adopt local written procedures for the receipt and resolution of complaints alleging violations of law in the administration of educational programs and services.
2024-2025 Parent and Family Engagement LEA and School Parent Involvement Policy
2024-2025 Parent and Family Engagement LEA and School Parent Involvement Policy – Spanish
2024-2025 TPHS School-Parent Compact
2024-2025 TPHS School-Parent Compact – Spanish
HB4545 Parent Information – ENG
HB4545 Parent Information – SP
Triumph Public High Schools wants to share a health and safety training opportunity that is available to all of our high school students.
Texas House Bill 496 Sec. 38.030 requires school districts to implement a Traumatic Injury Response Protocol in the event of a traumatic injury involving blood loss. The bill requires bleeding control kits to be stored in easily accessible areas throughout our campuses, with training provided to employees.
Additionally, the bill also asks schools to offer optional training to students in grades 7-12 to empower students to take an active role in their medical safety.
“Stop the Bleed” training, developed by The American College of Surgeons (ACS), is offered in two parts for students: 1) an online video which is then followed by 2) hands-on training students will take at their campus when it is made available. You must also fill out and sign a parental consent if you would like your 9th-12th grade student to take the training.
If your student is interested in completing the training, the online course can be watched here: Stop the Bleed Training for Students ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa8_F5OLub4 ). Once finished, your student will then turn in the parental consent form to their school Principal to be signed-up to complete the hands-on training. At this time, arrangements will be made with their Principal to complete the hands-on portion of the training, which includes tourniquet application, holding pressure, wound packing, and chest seal application.
“Stop the Bleed” training is a valuable tool that can be used anywhere severe injuries occur. More information can be found at https://www.stopthebleed.org/. Please feel free to review the training at the link above or contact your campus Principal if you have any questions.
Bullying Prohibited
The Charter District prohibits bullying as defined by this policy. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of Charter District policy.
Bullying occurs when a student or group of students engages in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that:
To be considered bullying, the action must occur in school property, a school related activity, or on a vehicle operated by the Charter District.
Bullying of a student could affect the student socially, psychologically, or emotionally. Itmay include hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name-calling, rumor spreading, and ostracism.
Procedures for Action
The Charter District shall establish procedures that will establish a process to facilitate all participants involved to take action when bullying occurs.
Reports of bullying shall be made as soon as possible after the alleged act or knowledge of the alleged act. A failure to promptly report may impair the Charter District’s ability to investigate and address the prohibited conduct. Any student who believes that he or she has experienced bullying or believes that another student has experienced bullying should immediately report the alleged acts to a teacher, counselor, principal, or other Charter District employee. A report may be made orally or in writing.
Notice of Report
Any Charter District employee who receives notice that a student has or may have experienced bullying shall immediately notify the campus principal or designee. The Charter District shall include in procedures the process for providing notice of an incident of bullying to a parent or guardian of the victim and a parent or guardian of the bully within a reasonable amount of time after the incident.
Investigation of Report
If a report is made orally, the campus principal or designee shall reduce the report to written form. The campus principal or designee shall determine whether the allegations in the report, if proven, would constitute prohibited conduct as defined in DGB or GF, and if so proceed under that policy instead. The campus principal or designee shall conduct an appropriate investigation based on the allegations in the report. The campus principal or designee shall promptly take interim action calculated to prevent bullying during the course of an investigation, if appropriate.
Concluding the Investigation
Absent extenuating circumstances, the investigation should be completed within ten Charter District business days from the date of the report; however, the campus principal or designee shall take additional time if necessary to complete a thorough investigation. The campus principal or designee shall prepare a written report of the investigation, including determination of whether bullying occurred, and send a copy to the Superintendent or designee.
Charter District Action
If the results of an investigation indicate that bullying occurred, the Charter District shall promptly respond by taking appropriate disciplinary or corrective action reasonably calculated to address the conduct in accordance with the Charter District’s Student Code of Conduct. Disciplinary action may not be imposed on a student who after an investigation, is found to be a victim of bullying, on the basis of that student’s use of reasonable self-defense in response to the bullying. The Charter District may take action based on the results of an investigation, even if the Charter District concludes that the conduct did not rise to the level of bullying under this policy.
To the greatest extent possible, the Charter District shall respect the privacy of the complainant, persons against whom a report is filed, and witnesses. Limited disclosures may be necessary in order to conduct a thorough investigation.
Special Education
Discipline for bullying of a student with disabilities will comply with applicable requirements under federal law, including IDEA.
A student who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation may appeal through Charter District Policy GF, beginning at the appropriate level.
Counseling Options
The Charter District shall include in procedures the available counseling options for a student who is a victim of or a witness to bullying or who engages in bullying.
Records Retention
Retention of records shall be in accordance with Charter District policy CPC.
Access to Policy
Information regarding this policy shall be distributed annually to Charter District employees and included in the student handbook. Copies of the policy shall be readily available at each campus and the Charter District’s administrative offices. Reporting procedures must be posted in the District’s Website.
Date Adopted: November 17, 2012
Date Amended: February 23, 2013
The resource of the S.A.P. Program
Triumph Public High Schools is a Texas-based, tuition-free, public charter high school with 11 schools in the state of Texas. Triumph Public High Schools is for students that are looking for a different learning environment, to get inspired and take hold of their future. Over 25 years of providing quality, non-traditional education in Texas.
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